Sunday, March 6, 2011

Swarovski Crystals on Everything at Baby Bling Things Boutique

No baby item is safe from being blinged out! Seeing these things all on the same page at Baby Bling Things Boutique may be a bit overwhelming at first, but as individual items, I can see how they could be cute. Firstly, the strangely shaped thing in the first row on the far right is a set of nail clippers. Yes, bling nail clippers. They have thought of everything. Even the light switch cover is pretty out there. The little round buttons are drawer knobs, which I am actually a very big fan of. This stuff is not cheap though; the nail clippers are $29.99! But I mean how many people can say they have rhinestone-studded nail clippers? I'd hate to be the person whose job it is to glue all those little guys on. 

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