Monday, August 8, 2011

Baby Graziella Knitted Booties

Happy Monday everyone! I am trying to keep a positive state of mind going on, because normally on Monday mornings you would not want to be in the same room as me because I'm so grumpy. So I hate to say it, but we have reached that point in the summer that the season starts to wind down. Kids go back to school, it starts to get dark earlier, and Labor Day is right around the corner. As sad as this makes me, again trying to keep a positive mind frame, it is exciting to see a whole new season's worth of clothes. Which brings us to these wintery booties by Baby Graziella. Normally I am not a fur person ( like AT ALL), but something here just works for me. Maybe it's the all-white Eskimo-esque look that they have, maybe it's the fact that I think that Baby Graziella can do no wrong, who knows. But these knit booties are divine. For $79.00, find them at Children Salon.

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