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Monday, October 3, 2011

Gucci Heart Baby Blanket

Another Monday. It is weird to think that it's October... In the Midwest, September is usually an extension of summer. Indian summer. The warmth feels different, but it's still there. Yeah, not so much this year. This year, we had rain. Then more rain. Then just when you thought it was done, it would rain again. So good riddance September, this week's forecast is already a world's difference. So thinking of dreary cold, let's talk about this gorgeous and girly baby blanket from Gucci. Why knit someone a blanket when you can buy it from Gucci? Made of soft pink wool, the GG logo forms a heart in the center, which is a pretty genius twist. Imagine receiving (or giving) this at a baby shower. Talk about shock value. Oh, speaking of shock value, how about the price tag: $280.00, from Neiman Marcus.

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